Friday 26 October 2012

Analysis on the opening scene of Se7en

The opening sequence for Se7en is very well thought out and created to cause a enigma. The whole sequence is a montage of clips and pictures from what we gather the murderer is reading/writing, however it could also be the detectives. This instant the questioning scenes create the perfect start to the genre - thriller/horror. This film is about the 7 deadly sins, so when watching the montage of clips as the viewer you try to figure out what deadly sin the pictures and words relate to. Of course every picture and writing is meaningful which is why the clips have been displayed. The soundtrack is very interesting in this opening sequence, song (Nine Inch Nails). As this song is playing there is a high pitch background sound this"screeching" noise is repeated often, perhaps to relate to screaming from the victims murderes. There is a lot of fast editing in the beginning creating a flash affect with the lighting. The font is creepy and jagged as if it has been scratched - this could also relate to one of the murders.
 The font used on the titles also fit into the genre which helps with the fluency of the sequence.
We also get the feeling this is how the murderers brain schemes and how it works, with the fast flashing disturbing images, relating to his abnormal thoughts. We can already tell that this character has to be a sinister disturbed person if he was going to commit murders like this so we instantly know this is the murder and feel that this openig is whats happening in the murders mind. As well as this it creates millions of questions in our mind of what is happening and if  you look closely you can see hints of what is to come in the film. This is a good thought out and clever opening sequence. I have gained interest into this opening and hope to use sections to inspire me when I film my opening sequence.

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