Wednesday 27 February 2013

Change of location

 Change of location:
We decided that the change of location would be more successful as in previous filming we did not create the atmosphere we wanted. We decided to change location to the woods as it is surrounded by trees creating shadows in the early morning light. We felt it was best that we used the woods as our location because of the massive trees dominating the shot's, makingRosie seem much more vulnerable and innocent as the trees represent the mans identity, always surrounding her closing in until he gets her.
The pathway we used during filming, which bends and is surrounded by trees and nature.

Here you can see how tiny she becomes when surrounded by the trees.

Another picture we took of the location.

The pathway we are going to use in filming, because of the bends and cluttered walkway, we thought this would be best as it can imply the mans mind, unclear and cluttered with negative thoughts that are shown by the dark shadows contrasting with the beautiful, bright light, representing Rosie's innocence and purity.

Surrounding the location are pale purple flowers, this represents Rosie's personality and position in the film, showing she is very small and delicate compared to the dominating, huge, dark trees surrounding her representing the man.  

Here we are going to use this tree for the location for our idea where the children do Ring a Ring a Rosie,  we thought this was a good location because of the shadows made by the huge dominating branches, the tree is a representation of the mans personality.

The branches reaching out to the sky look very creepy and as if that is him trying to reach out to people but no one understands him, therefor he is reaching out to Rosie.

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