Friday 16 November 2012

Choosing Location

We decided to use a location with a wooden inclosed area, therefore, we are left with two options - a wendy house or a shed. Both the shed and and wendy house capture the cold, dark, sinister scene we all instantly thought of in a meeting about choosing the location. It also helps create the intense atmosphere.  We all agreed that the wendy house could look very powerful if we used a low angle camera shot looking up towards it would make it very intimidating relating back to the mans personality towards 'Rosie' as he comes across as a very intimidating charactor. It could also look very effective and look as if it is lurking, it would also be interesting to shot some of the scenes in the dark, the darkness would enhance the personality and characteristics of the man who is trying to capture 'Rosie' Mollie photographed the setting from different viewpoints and angles to see various camera shots we can play around with. Mollie found if you're looking through a element/object perhaps a bush or trees it seems as if your from the mans point of view and the audience will feel as if they shouldn't be there and that they feel uncomfortable and awkward as if they are spying and stalking on 'Rosie' with the man. I feel the lighting will also be appropriate as it will be all natural lighting mainly high key with some highlighted areas lit with man made light. It will be filmed midday in the daylight and there will be some parts where it is filmed at night so we will be able to capture different elements and highlight some characteristics of the characters, the day time will represent 'Rosie' and the night time the man. This is because 'Rosie' is a happy young girl, energetic and vulnerable and the man cold like the night, dark light the night sky. We may find a few difficulties when shooting in this location due the fact the ground is not level, to make sure the shot is level we will place the tripod on a flat surface. Luckily this location is easy for the whole group to get to, as this is in the back of Mollie's garden. 

Here is the wendy house from a low down angle, looking up at the wendy house, kind of a pov (point of view) shot as it looks like someone is looking throw branches. It is also shown in daylight but I have also edited these photo's in a other post making it appear darker and gloomier following the horror genre codes and conventions.

here is another photo of the wendy house from a face on angle still capturing the branches at the side and most of the location. Again I have also edited this photo.

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