Thursday 15 November 2012

Improvement from the preliminary task

Due to the preliminary task we all learnt a lot of skills we would need to improve. One is you have to film everything in one day as the surroundings in the location may change and the weather varies a lot. This highlighted an issue with independent, low budget film making that we will have to plan for in our opening title shoot. If we weren't to follow this action it could cause the audience to become confused it would also make the cut look unprofessional. Making sure we followed this rule would help make a clean, smooth shot of the scene. When we next shoot we will need to make sure the tripod is positioned correctly and attached to the tripod in a more stable upright position as in some scenes of our preliminary task the camera is slanted from a improper setup. This made it difficult to edit the clips together to perform smooth shots. However to overcome this problem, we will film more footage than needed incase we need to replace any areas due to filming errors and also so we have plenty of options when it comes to editing the clip.
In the section 54 to 55 seconds of the preliminary task we can see a unclear cut in the filming from when sam pulls his arms down to his waist to then walking out of the room. The camera angle jumps were we had to reshoot and it didn't run smoothly. His arms are suddenly by his side. This was supposed to be a tracking shot, so this issue can be resolved by tracking the actor all the way out of the room. It could have also made the audience feel disorientated with the fast abnormal body movements.

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