Tuesday 30 April 2013

Evaluation question 2

Post by me (Ruby Cooper)

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

                                                      Firstly looking at the characters in our opening sequence. 
As you can see our main character featuring in our opening sequence is a young girl. She is stereotypically a vulnerable girl in danger. This character represents her social group by portraying the idea of  young girls being innocent and naive. In a lot of films when the storyline is about a pedophile, its stereotypically known for a man to be stalking a young girl. Young girls are also shown a lot in horror movies as it is seen as creepy and unusual for a girl to act in abnormal ways. In our storyline Rosie is stereotypically your horror conventional 'little girl ghost' who the audience will feel threatened and put on edge by but later on discover that she is the innocent one who was actually the victim. This balances out both stereotypes in horror movies like the Orphan we still wanted to use a young girl as it helps the audience to feel pity and protective over the girl but also make the audience feel scared by her. At the same time a good example of our character Rosie that we want to show towards the end of the storyline is similar to the girl who plays Suzie Salmon in the film The Lovely Bones, this also shows how the use of a young actor is used a lot, helping show it is a well known social group to target when wanting to show youth and naivety. There is also 2 other young girls shown in the opening sequence relating to the same horror conventions as Rosie.

Here is the other main character shown in our opening sequence. Unfortunately our male actor dropped out at short notice so we had to use our editer of the film Mollie Knapp. Although she is not male she played the male role of Rosies stalker. Stereotypically stalkers are male. The sinister old male social group is shown well in this opening with a variety of camera angles never showing his face keeping a low secretive profile at all times like men who act like this would do. This over the shoulder shot shows how he is bent over creeping up behind her like a stereotypical pedophile would. 

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