Wednesday 1 May 2013

Evaluation question 3

A distribution company such as WARP and WARP X would be ideal for our horror opening title this is because I think it would be a great way to introduce our product into the industry. Due to our film being really low budget it would be hard for our film to compare against big blockbusters. In order to come across this we could complete self-promotion. This would consist of creating Facebook pages where trailers and spoilers alerts would be added in order to gain our audience.WARP X is a part of WARP who focuses on digital film, the same as ours.
We could also enter this film into a film festival such as the ‘Student Film Festival Awards’ in order to get funding. These would also help to distribute our film. Funding can be gained from this will the addition of the film getting recognized which will also help with funding and advertising.
We didn't use film when making our opening title this is un common for a blockbuster, film is expensive and we had a very low budget.
Many films do not get into cinemas and are not recognized this is because the film industry is very competitive. DCDC would also help this.

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