Sunday 5 May 2013

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As a group we learnt a lot from filming the preliminary task. Our camera skills improved and editing, helping us a lot when it came to producing our horror opening sequence. Getting used to the equipment during the preliminary task made us familiar and ready to do our first filming, however, we had to reshoot twice to ensure we had the camera angles precisely right when working with the camera. Editing and cutting on the software we used for both filmings was also much simpler helping us to produce to a higher standard of editing as well from previous experimentations. Practicing a variety of different camera angles and shots in the preliminary task made sure we could perform our new skills in the opening sequence.

Here are some examples of Camera angles we used during the preliminary task that helped us when shooting our opening sequence.

Here we have a over the shoulder camera angle.

 We then have a establishing shot as we follow Sam into the room.

Here is Sam opening the door.

We then have a continuity shot as we film Sam from inside the room through the door he has just opened.

 We then have a tracking shot following him into the room.

Then a mid/close up shot of me looking up as Sam walks into the room.

We now have a establishing shot showing Sam about to sit down and the location.

We then have a over shoulder shot of match on action as me and Sam are talking.

Then a shot reverse shot.

A camera shot of Sam leaving the room.

Then a camera shot from outside the room filming Sam as he has walked out showing continuity.

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