Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation question 4

Evaluation: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? 

We looked to aim our opening titles as a certificate 15 which can include 
  • Stronge violence
  • Frequently stronger language
  • Portrayals of sexual activity                            
  • Strong verbal references to sex
  • Brief scenes of sexual violence
  • Discriminatory language and behaviour
  • Drug taking
  • Some horror films are passed at this category. Moderate physical and psychological threat is permitted at 12 or 12A as long as disturbing sequences are not too frequent or sustained.

Although after looking at our opening titles we felt our opening sequence was not catergorised as a 15 we also looked at other films that are catergrosied as 15 like 'The Strangers' and in it had references to violence:

In our opening sequence had no violence we looked at other similar films like 'The Lovely Bones' even thought this film is not classed as a horror it has a similar story line to our opening with the sinister man stalking a young girl. This creates suspense and it is a known horror codes and conventions with the vunerable character in a position of not being able to protect themselves. It also had similar things to our  opening which the use of props relating to childhood like toys:

I feel our opening sequence fits into the 12a criteria a lot more than the certificate15 due to further research when we found a fact:

Dangerous behaviour (for example hanging, suicide and self-harming) may be present in 12

 or 12A works but will not dwell on detail which could be copied or present those activities as

 pain or harm free.

Discriminatory behaviour should not be endorsed by the film as a whole.
There may be infrequent sight of drugs misuse in a 12 or a 12A but the portrayal should not be glamorised or provide instructional details.

As our media did not have any drugs, violence, bad language or sexual references/scenes we decided that it will fit a 12a certificate. This is because the music is a the main thing that makes our horror opening have that eerie feel putting the audience at ease and creating suspense. The edits darken the scenes and create a dark atmosphere. Also the dark clothing makes the opening much more dramatic and stereotypically scary and horror related. The way you never see the mans face creates mystery and suspense as it makes him more of a threat. 

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